King of Wands

Keywords for the King of Wands


In the image on the card, we see the King of Wands seated at his throne amidst the dry desert landscape he reigns. 

This throne is decorated with images of lions and salamanders, symbols related to the element of Fire which the suit of Wands represents. 

The lions refer to the proud and regal zodiac sign of Leo, while the salamanders here represent the mythic animal once thought by alchemists to have been born in the fire.

Like all Kings of the tarot, he represents both personal success as well as responsibility to others. While the Kings are the most powerful of the court cards, they are also bound by the expectation that this power will be used responsibly for the greater good.

The suit of Wands, associated with the element of Fire, tends to possess qualities that can be rash, impulsive, spontaneous, and eager to take action and explore the outside world. 

We can see that, bound by such great responsibility as he is, the King of Wands appears almost uncomfortable with his vast energy being contained and focused into goals encouraging stability and security. 

He holds his wand eagerly out in front of him, not by his side but instead touching the desert sand outside of his immediate domain. This indicates a certain restlessness that may overtake this type of personality if bound by duty and responsibility for too long. 

King of Wands Interpretation

Like all of the court cards, this can represent someone in our outer environment that shows the same qualities and characteristics of the King of Wands. Alternatively, in some instances it can also refer to how we ourselves are showing up in a given situation.

This is a man who is motivated and purpose-driven. An action-oriented risk taker, he is bold and assertive in his dealings with others.

This King can be quite creative and inspired in the plans that he develops and implements in the world around him. He is not afraid to think outside the box, to challenge conventional wisdom and develop inventive, original solutions to the challenges he confronts.

The King of Wands possesses a vitality that has a forceful [impact/influence] on those around him. It manifests as a sense of confidence and self-assurance that commands respect and inspires those he comes in contact with.

However, his relentless drive and powerful will can at times contribute to a certain level of intolerance and lack of understanding for the doubts or weaknesses he sees in others less fortunate than he. 

If he is not careful, it can lead to arrogance, dominance, and in the worst case scenario, perhaps even cruelty towards those who possess less power and privilege than he.

Queen of Wands

Keywords for the Queen of Wands


In the image on this card, we see the Queen of Wands seated on her throne. It is the brightest of summer days out in the desert where she reigns. 

Her throne is decorated with sunflowers and lions, emblems of the fiery energy of the Sun, the element of Fire and the suit of Wands.

She is dressed in a brilliant solar yellow, a reference to her radiant optimist, bright attitude and powerful vitality.

We also see a back cat seated before her, staring directly out at us. According to Rachel Pollack, in the medieval era it was believed that black cats were given to witches by the Devil to protect them from harm. 

As a result, this black cat can be thought of as representing the good luck and protection which follows this Queen and anyone else who chooses to embody the fiery optimism and cheerful good will on display here. 

For those who love life with eager enthusiasm like our Queen of Wands, life seems to respond in equal measure, granting them good fortune and enough blessings to continue their bright and optimistic way of perceiving the world.

Queen of Wands Interpretation

Like all of the court cards, this can represent someone in our outer environment that shows the same qualities and characteristics of the Knight of Wands. Alternatively, in some instances it can also refer to how we ourselves are showing up in a given situation.

This card can refer to any person who embodies this Queen’s positive attitude and shares in her enthusiasm for life, as well as her belief in herself and her capacity to make good things happen.

First and foremost, the Queen of Wands represents a type of personality that is friendly and outgoing, one which loves to connect with people and to have a good time. Confident and self-assured, she is typically quite well-received in whatever social environment she finds herself in. 

This Queen is popular and well-liked, not only due to her warmth and friendliness, but also because of her [basic] nature that is open, honest and essentially truthful. 

She sees no need to complicate matters with falsehoods and lies, but relies instead on a direct and sincere way of relating that makes it easy for others to trust her.

This card also refers to a person who is quite active and energetic in how she lives her life. This Queen is not very concerned with taking time for quiet reflection or introspection. She views life as something meant to be lived to the fullest.