Three of Cups

Keywords for the Three of Cups 


In the image on the card, we see three dancing women dressed in elegant flowing robes. 

As they raise their cups in celebration, they toast to each other in recognition of a shared accomplishment. 

The rich autumn colors of their attire, combined with the abundant fruit of a recent harvest gathered around them, suggests a completion of a goal held in common. 

3 of Cups Interpretation

When this card comes up in a reading, it tends to signal a sense of our being connected with and cared for by others. It can also often speak to the experience of enjoying yourself and having fun with friends. 

When this card appears, it signifies a sense of well being and security that we get from spending time with people we care about. It signals being surrounded by supportive people who we know we can trust and rely on. 

The three of cups represents the drive shared emotional intimacy, as well as the pleasures of enjoying the company as a card of the suit of cups, related to the water element this card depicts the deep satisfaction of intimacy and connection we can experience with our friends, our community, and the other groups of which we are apart.